1908系列 台式数字万用表


1908 \ 1908P


Categories: ,


  • Affordable 5.5 digit high performance bench/portable multimeter
  • Dual display and dual measurement capability
  • Mains power or Internal rechargeable batteries for true portability
  • High accuracy and resolution: 0.02%, 1µV, 0.1µA, 1mΩ
  • True RMS AC, Frequency, capacitance and temperature measurements
  • Wide range of computing functions e.g. Ax + B
  • USB interface standard on 1908
  • USB, RS232 and LAN/LXI standard on 1908P with GPIB available as an option


5.5 digit Dual Measurement Bench Multimeter with USB interface


5.5 digit Dual Measurement Bench Multimeter with USB, RS232, LAN/LXI interfaces, GPIB optional